Videos from Jeff and Alois


sergio pouso cánive
sergio pouso cánive Asked 14 years ago


I would like to see videos from Jeff and Alois playing competition matches. Is that possible?

 I searched a lot but i only found "Alois vs Italy".

Thanks in advance ;)

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Sergio,

I don't think there is much video footage of either of us playing. As you mention we have put up the video of Alois vs Italy. I have some footage of me playing after a 7 year break in around 2008 but I'm not sure where it is. If I do find it I'll try and put some of it up.

Thanks for your question. 

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Thoughts on this question

sergio pouso cánive

sergio pouso cánive Posted 14 years ago

That would be cool Jeff, I want to see how you play :)

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