What makes Waldner special


ali feiz
ali feiz Asked 10 years ago


I wanted to know how can I play like Waldner?

I know no one can play exactly like him but what does he have that other players don't?

thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ali,

I think the thing that makes him stand out is the control he has and the time he has because he sees the ball so well.

Others may have other ideas.

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The great Jan Ove Waldner was the greatest server of all time. Take a look into one of his secrets to his serving success.

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Thoughts on this question

Nigel Fewster

Nigel Fewster Posted 10 years ago

I like to watch him play because he has a fantastic range of shots at his disposal. He can return a serve with sidespin slice one minute and the next return is a  flick, the opponent never knows what he is going to do. As Alois says he seems to have so much time and uses it to conjure up surprise returns. He has mastered all strokes and invented some not in the book.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 10 years ago

Viking genes!


Also fantastic touch

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