Waldner's serve


Tevia Sapire
Tevia Sapire Asked 14 years ago

Hi pingkills

I was watching a video on youtube about Waldner's serve. The one serve I love of his is the one where he looks like hes doing a regular pendulum but then at the last secend turns his wrist and hits a fast serve down the line, most of the time giving him a free point and sometimes a clean ace. I can execute this serve well but with less accuracy and speed.

But I also noticed that sometimes when he does this serve he does not look where he is aiming ( the righty's forehand corner) but instead as the service is made, he looks at his opponent's backhand side ( usually this is where most righies stand to recieve service). I assume he is doing this on purpose to add an extra little bit of deception and take away a few miliseconds of time from the opponent because the opponent will only realise the serve did not actually go to where they thought it was going(their backhand). This could even make them move the wrong way, ensuring the serve will be returned badly if at all.

Is this observation correct and do you recommend doing this? You will probably lose some accuracy but gain deception. Although this technique may seem like a kindergarden deception like 'let me look that way and make it look like im gonna hit it that way, then quickly hit it the other way' sort of thing but i believe it can be quite effective as an extra way of deception.

Thanks in advance pingskills

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Tevia,

This sort of deception can work well and is something that you can practice one you have mastered a serve. 

The receiver is looking for clues as to the types of spin and direction of serve. Any changes to the normal serve that you can give will make it a little more difficult for them to return.

For the returner, the important thing is to watch the ball only.  We do go through this in our new DVD Receiving Secrets Revealed which will be out soon. 

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