Want to improve


Karl Unknown
Karl Unknown Asked 17 years ago


Can you tell me can I improve in ping pong alone?I dont have any trainings near me the only place where I can play is after school with friends,I can make there like 3-4 games and thats all.My friends dont want to train or something they just want to play.

At home I have a table tennis table, maybe I can too something on it? Like buting a side up or something like that?Need real help want to improve.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 17 years ago

Hi Karl,

Hitting against a wall or putting one side of the table into the playback mode is often good to improve your coordination and hitting skills.  You can also improve your serving skills quite easily by yourself.  Serving is about doing lots of times and experimenting with different types of serves, contacts and speeds.

However, you need to get your friends more interested in the great game.  Keep beating them and they will soon want to get better.  Maybe organise a competition amongst your friends.  Table Tennis is a game where you need the help of others to really improve.  Get them involved.  Maybe show them some great action of table tennis so they can see what a great game it is to play.

Good luck with it Karl.

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Perfecting the Push

This week's master class is called Perfecting the Push. To have a great push you need to first see how much backspin is on the ball as it is coming towards you. Then you need to alter your stroke to counter this backspin. You also need to concentrate on generating your own backspin to make it harder for you opponent.

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