warming up rubber


jamie champion
jamie champion Asked 15 years ago

hi Alois 

i was just wondering does it damage your rubber if you warm it up under a heater before playing?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Jamie,

Yes, be careful warming the rubber too much under a heater.  It will damage the surface and satrt to make it slippery.  The best way to warm up rubber is to put it under your armpit or between your hands if they are warm.  The other idea is to put it under your jumper.

Youu will also find that the constant hitting of the ball on the bat will warm it up in some circumstances.

I have been through that exact situation at Coburg trying to warm up my rubber before playing.

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Thoughts on this question

jamie champion

jamie champion Posted 15 years ago

thanks Alois i noticed craig and some other good players thier warm it up underneath their clothing but Bruce told me to warm my new rubber up under the heater and i've been doing it ever since i guess ill stop it now

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