Watching good servers


Daumisx Krugliakovas
Daumisx Krugliakovas Asked 13 years ago

Hello i realy like your videos and Jeff's too I have question about serving can you give me links to good serves otherwise can you send me some videos? oh and by the way can you teach or make video how to make the serve that Jeff made in "Keping the ball low" video and i do love your videos i got best advices and became silver in your videos :) 

Thanks alot.

Your biggest fan (maby one of the biggest)

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Daumisx,

If you do a search for any videos on Waldner, Ma Lin, or any of the top modern day players playing, just watch their matches and you will see their serves.  You may find it difficult to see exactly what they are doing but just watch their whole action to get some good images of what they are doing.

We do have a DVD available that will show you the finer points of how to serve well.  If you can get yourself a copy of our Serving Secrets Revealed DVD. This shows you Jeff and I explaining the serves that the better players in the world are doing and will show you how to replicate their actions.

Glad you like our site. 

Recommended Video

The Kicker Serve

The kicker serve is one of our "must learn" serves. It's fast, fun, and has lots of topspin. It can be dangerous because if it's not fast enough and if you don't surprise your opponent then they may be able to attack it forcefully putting you on the defensive straight away. Used well though, and sparingly, it can be a great weapon. It can win you a point outright and it will stop your opponent from standing over the table waiting for your short serves since they need to be ready for anything.

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