Watching the ball


Alan Simon
Alan Simon Asked 8 years ago

At 82 i seem to lose the ball in flight .. what steps or exercises would you recommend to watch the ball ...

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Alan,

In training I would start with hitting the ball anywhere on the table slowly.  While doing this drill start to focus only on the ball and see how well you can track it all the way through.

A little thing that I do sometimes before I start the rally is find a little spoon on the ball and focus on that for a couple of seconds.  Then serve the ball and track it in flight.

It is good to spend 10 minutes or so in a training session just doing this and see if this makes as improvement to your tracking of the ball.

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Thoughts on this question

Alan Simon

Alan Simon Posted 8 years ago

Great  Thanks...


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