Web videos or DVD


Steve Vaugier
Steve Vaugier Asked 13 years ago

Coach, I am either going to purchase a monthly plan for videos or purchase a DVD set. Speaking of the videos on the web, what are the normal running times? I am, definitely, going to do something with you but not sure what. Please advise, Thanks, Steve

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Steve,

The DVDS are probably the best way to start.  The two areas cover different aspects of your game.

The DVDs are aimed at very specific topics, Serving, Receiving and Training.  The Premium lessons at this stage cover a 52 week Training Plan as well as giving you a Master class related to each of those weeks.  We are now adding some Match commentary where we commentate on a match and show you what is happening tactically and with players techniques.  We will shortly start adding Match Strategy lessons as well.

As you can see there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained overall.

The lessons on the web run for between 5 to 10 minutes in general.  The match commentaries run for various amounts of time as we go through the matches.  

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