Weight loss, HIIT, and table tennis


Erriza Shalahuddin
Erriza Shalahuddin Asked 8 years ago

Dear coach 

Have you ever heard the term "high intensity interval training" or hiit? I'm kinda having a small weight problem and I found in internet that hiit is quite a good option for weight loss. Do you have any idea on performing hiit related to table tennis? Like footwork drill and shadow practice?

Oh by the way, there's no training facility nor pingpong table around, so I must practice alone without table.

Thank you :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Erriza,

You could do this using shadow play.  Do a few seconds of playing the stroke quickly then have a rest.  This is a simple adaptation of the High intensity training.

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#23 - Combining Speed and Spin

Get the most out of your topspins by using speed and spin. If you simply hit the ball faster without any topspin, it will sail off the end of the table.

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