Weird angle of bat while serving


Isaac Gray
Isaac Gray Asked 11 years ago

Hi guys, I recently tried serving with my bat angled away from the table (but hitting forward) to create backspin. It works, but is somewhat inconsistent. Have you ever heard of anyone serving that way?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Isaac,

Yes I have.  It is good for generating backspin on the ball but can be difficult to get the contact exactly right.  It takes a lot of practice.  You can get it consistent if you have the time and patience to work on it.

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Thoughts on this question

Isaac Gray

Isaac Gray Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Alois, I really appreciate an answer (and on the day I asked it!). It's really fun when I hit it and it bounces back into my side after hitting my opponents side .


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