What are blades and rubbers used by many famous tt players


Dhruv Maniar
Dhruv Maniar Asked 11 years ago

I am just curious to know the rubbers and blades advanced players use...like ma lin,ma long,zhang jike,jun mizutani etcc......thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Dhruv,

I think they use various rubbers.  Tenergy would be on the list.  Others may be able to enlighten us on the specifics.

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Thoughts on this question

Lloyd Butihen

Lloyd Butihen Posted 10 years ago

Ma Lin uses his Yasaka Ma Lin Extra Offensive Penhold blade. His forehand rubber is Skyline 3 from Double Happiness and his backhand rubber is belived to be a tenergy/bryce speed or a yaska rubber.

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