What is the best service for the forehand.


Domentijan Blagojevic
Domentijan Blagojevic Asked 12 years ago

What is the best service for the Forehand.
Pls Help me to my question

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Domentjian,

I like the Pendulum serve.  It is easiest to get spin with.

You can see a lot more information on our lessons page for Serving Secrets.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Backhand Tomahawk Serve

In this lesson we show you how to execute the Backhand Tomahawk serve. This is a good complement to the Tomahawk serve. By utilising a similar action, it will make it difficult for your opponent to tell which way the ball and spin are going.

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