What is the best table tennis bat?


Rahul Maharaj
Rahul Maharaj Asked 12 years ago

I am kind of an experienced player, what is a bat that is good in both spin and speed. What do you from PingSkills recommend the best to an experienced player. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Rahul,

There are so many good bats from so many good Table Tennis companies. We recommend the PingSkills Touch but this is certainly not the only good bat. The problem is that there are too many choices and it is impossible to keep up with them all.

We sell the PingSkills Touch with 3 different rubbers.

Mark V - An ideal first custom bat

Pryde - A bit faster once you've developed some more control

Xiom Vega - Really fast, only use this once you have great control

If anyone else has some recommendations for Rahul, please leave a comment.

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

if you're experienced i think the butterfly gergely alpha is good for you..

However, the best bat for somebody isn't the best bat for everybody.

Aaron San

Aaron San Posted 12 years ago

What do you mean by experienced player? have you had years of training? I'm asking this because you can be playing for 3 years, and still not have the consistency and control of someone who has been training for 3 years. This is important to consider, because you don't want something too fast at the moment. I have a friend who jumped from using Xiom Omega on a Viscaria to using Hurricane Neo on a Hurricane Long Blade (for the uninitiated, these are expensive blades with loads of speed). His smashes are great, his loops are super powerful, but he lacks the control needed for that sort of equipment. Bottom line is, choose what feels nice to you, but if you are not consistent yet, try going for slower equipment to build up consistency.

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