What is the reaction of a ball when hitting a sand paper bat


gener placente
gener placente Asked 12 years ago


I already watched your video on different types of rubbers and the reaction of the ball when hitting these kinds of rubbers. However, here in our club, there is player practicing a bat with sandpaper attached.  My queries are:

1. What is the reaction of the ball when a sand paper bat is used?

2.  Why some players used this sandpaper? Is there a official tournament using sand paper?

Please advise. Thanks.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Gener,

They used to use sandpaper a long time ago to play.  The effect is that is deadens the ball. it is jusKilian hitting rather ball with a piece of wood.

I think there is a tournament in the U.S. where the players use sandpaper bats.  It is interesting to watch these matches.  It comes down more to strategy than spin and speed.

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Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago



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