What should I practice when starting out


chris romero
chris romero Asked 13 years ago

What is the best training program for beginners?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Chris,

Firstly it is to get as many hours on the table as you can.

Start with focusing on the basic strokes, The Forehand CounterhitThe Backhand CounterhitBackhand Push and Forehand Push.  Then work at mastering these strokes.  You should get to a stage where you can play 100 balls in a row without any effort at all.

From there learn to serve well, learn to move by learning the Footwork Basics and keep progressing.

If you become a Premium member we show you a 52 week training program and with each week we detail a master class on something that you can focus on. 

Remember it is a game that you can play for life and always keep improving. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

On Table Warm Up

After your physical warm up, you should start your on table play by getting your eye in and getting a feel for your strokes.

Watch Now

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