What tactics should I employ against long serves?


Ivandri Lowell
Ivandri Lowell Asked 13 years ago

Hello sir, I want to ask something, recently I got a match and I got problem on returning serves. My opponent mostly used the backhand serves and it always went to my forehand area I'm always hesitant to attack the ball so I pushes it, then my opponent topspin the ball since my pushes is imperfect and bounce high. So what should I do? Should I try topspin/pushing the ball?(my opponent mostly serve long)

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi Ivandri,

One of the key tactics in Table Tennis is to make the first attack. If you can put your opponent on the defensive you are more likely to win the point. To make this effective you need to work on your consistency when you attack.

If your opponent is serving long to your forehand, you should be trying to attack each of these with your forehand topspin. Try to place the ball to whichever side you think is your opponents weakest side and then keep attacking. Even if you miss some of these attacks it will scare your opponent and they may try something else with their serve. Generally people don't like people playing attacking shots against them.

As you mention, if you push the ball then your opponent gets to attack and then you are on the defensive. If the reason you are hesitant to attack is because you are worried about missing the ball then you should try some training drills to help you improve the consistency of your forehand. Also consider the odds of you winning a point. Even if you only get 80% of your attacks on the table, this may result in you winning more points than if you simply push the ball back and have to defend each point.

Work towards attacking all long balls and let me know how you get on.

Good luck!

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Thoughts on this question

Ivandri Lowell

Ivandri Lowell Posted 13 years ago

thank you sir, i will work on it

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