What type of third ball attack should I make?


de lim
de lim Asked 13 years ago

When i serve a spinny backspin serve and the opponent returns it with a backhand push, should i do a spinny forehand loop or a fast forehand loop? Which is more easy for the ball to go over the net?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi De,

Great question. When you get the opportunity to play a third ball attack against a push you need to decide between a slow spinny loop and a faster forehand loop.

The slower spinny shot is a safer shot in that it is easier to hit it on the table. This is because the ball has a higher arc and the topspin will bring it down onto the table. The faster ball will have less topspin and you will be trying to hit the ball harder so it is more error prone.

Both loops have their place and I don't think you should exclusively play one or the other. I tend to like playing a faster attacking shot when I'm in good position and the push is a little bit high. With experience you will find the right balance between playing a fast ball and being consistent.

The other thing to consider is your opponent. Some players have a lot of trouble with a slow spinny loop and others have trouble with a faster ball.

As a starting tactic I would try and play the ball as fast as you feel comfortable with so that you make a high percentage of your loops. Keep in mind though that you should mix it up a little to keep your opponent off guard. Try a few slower more spinny loops and see how they react. 

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