What's this mean?


Jack Yap
Jack Yap Asked 12 years ago

Hi, can u tell me what is this?

OFF(-), OFF(+), ALL(+), ALL, DEF 

2. Can u tell me what is :

 FL(Flared), ST(Straight)

3.Is that vega pro and pryde is normal rubber?

4.Which shakehands blade in this web (http://www.presports.com/) is MORE suitable for gluing the vega pro or pryde? 

Sorry for asking so many questions in a time....

Ur reply i will appreciate


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jack,

The OFF (-) etc are the speed rating of the racket.  OFF refers to Offensive meaning it is a reasonably fast bat.  The (-) means slightly slower and the (+) means slightly faster.  The ALL refers to Allround or middle of the range speed and the DEF is Defensive or slower.

The flared and straight refers to the shape of the handle.  The flared handle is smaller in the middle and larger at the bottom.  The straight handle is the same thickness all the way down the shaft of the handle.  This is only a comfort thing.  It doesn't effect the performance of the racket.  It just depends which handle you like the feel of.

Which f=of those blades is best is again a matter of preference.  You should decide depending on the speed you are looking for.  This will depend on your experience.  If this is your first custom made bat I would go for a slower blade in the Allround ALL range.  I would get a Mark V rubber with this range.  If you are more experienced then go for an OFF (-) rated racket.  With this you could choose Yasaka Pryde.  I would only go for an OFF or OFF (+) if you have played competitively for many years and know that is the seed of racket you are looking for. Then yo may also want to choose Vega Pro.

Hope this all helps. 

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Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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Thoughts on this question

Jack Yap

Jack Yap Posted 12 years ago

Yeah! This is helpful!! Thanks! :)

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