Wheelchair Game


Dalibor TIOKA
Dalibor TIOKA Asked 3 weeks ago

Jak správně trénovat hru na invalidním vozíku, a jak regenerovat. Po 30 letech jsem se vrátil ke stolním tenisu, ale na  vozíku. Všechno je úplně jiné. Styl hry i pro zdravé, a materiál taky. Děkuji  za ně jaké rady. Dalibor

How to properly train the game in a wheelchair, and how to regenerate. After 30 years I returned to table tennis, but in a wheelchair. Everything is completely different. The style of the game is also for healthy people, and the material too. Thank you for the advice. Dalibor

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 2 weeks ago

Hi Dalibor,

Welcome back to the world of table tennis. Playing from a wheelchair adds a unique set of challenges and adaptations to the game, but with the right approach, you can excel and enjoy the sport just as much.

Training Tips:

  • Equipment Adaptation: Make sure your wheelchair is suited for table tennis. It should be stable, yet allow for quick and agile movements. The height and the cushioning should be optimised for comfort and mobility. Additionally, check that your racket suits your playing style, which might have changed since you last played.
  • Technique Adjustments: Focus on developing a strong upper body technique since your mobility is limited compared to standing players. Work on your arm and wrist strength, as well as flexibility, to increase your range of motion and ability to hit a variety of shots.
  • Positioning: If you are able to, practise your positioning in relation to the table. Learn how to manoeuvre your wheelchair efficiently to cover the table and make effective shots.
  • Practice Drills: Engage in drills that enhance your reaction time and accuracy. Since the ball may come at you faster due to the shorter distance, drills that improve your reflexes are particularly beneficial.
  • Pushing: The push strokes tend to be more used in wheelchair Table Tennis than in the standing game so focus on these strokes.

It's fantastic to hear that you've returned to table tennis and are adapting to the new challenges. With dedication and the right approach, you'll continue to improve and find great enjoyment in the game. Keep pushing the boundaries, Dalibor, and if you have any more questions or need further advice, feel free to ask.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against A Defensive Chopper

A chopper likes to get back from the table and get into a nice rhythm. If you keep the defender close to the table in the early part of the rally, it's hard for them to transition back into their chopping position. So keep the ball short on your serve and try and catch them unprepared. Watch the video to find out more great tactics to use against a defensive chopper.

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