When will you have the next live chat?


edgardo yutuc
edgardo yutuc Asked 14 years ago

Sir Alois,

Can I ask if or during what time of the day you open your webcam cause i want to speak to you personally about table tennis cause sometimes i can completely memorized what your saying thanks sir alois. I'm looking forward to see you soon cause my friend named Gian already chat with you at live i think you still remember that ty again sir Alois ^_^

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Edgardo,

We did have our first live chat session on the 17th Feb 2011. It went really well and we spoke to people in Spain, India, the Philippines and Australia. We definitely will do it again and hopefully we will start to make it a regular part of PingSkills!

To find out when we are going on line make sure you "like" the PingSkills Facebook page or follow us on Twitter. We'll post something on both those sites when we start to chat.

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Thoughts on this question

usman rauf

usman rauf Posted 14 years ago

wel sir i cant wait to live tht day cz i wud lov to chat wth u guys abt tabl tennis...its gona b my luky day...plz do infom us in evry way!!!!

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