Where does the opponent place the ball?


3ISICO Unknown
3ISICO Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi pingskills crew!!

I watch a lot of table tennis matches. (www.ittf.com)
And if I see those pro's playing I wonder how does someone know where the opponent is gonna place the ball when he makes an attacking stroke? (spin or smash)

I find that very difficult to see myself... The only thing I can do now is guess that the opponent hits the ball cross (diagonal) assuming a match of 2 right-handed players. But obviously knowing is better than guessing. So my question is; how can you tell where the opponent is gonna place a smash or (fast) spin ball?

Many thanks in advance!!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago


The pros are seeing a lot of cues from their opponent and are able to track the ball afster because they have been doing it for longer.

This comes from playing a lot.  There is no quick answer to fix this.  You need to play more and against players playing at a higher speed, to start to be able to track the ball that fast and also be able to pick up cues more easily.

For example, your opponent may alter the angle of his wrist slightly before contact when he is playing down the line.  The more you play against this player the easier you will recognise this.  That is why when you play against someone a lot you find it easier to work out where the ball is going.

Even by watching a player play someone else you can start to see things that they do.  You don't even have to sit and analyse them, your brain will naturally pick these things up.  This is another good reason why it is good to watch your opponents play before you have to play them.

However, in a match you still need to just watch the ball because you will pick all these other things up with your peripheral vision.

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