Where the ball is going ..


Melody Unknown
Melody Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi pingskills ,

I sometimes find it difficult to know where the ball is going to go in a "rally" .. and I find myself reaching the ball too late because of that. I don't think its my footwork. Its just miss judging where the ball is going to go .

How can I know where a fast looped ball is going to go, to be able to re loop it or block it??

And thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Melody,

The answer here is simple but the practice is a little more difficult.

Watch the ball... watch the ball... watch the ball... 

This means not just looking at the ball, it means watching it very closely and making it the sole focus of your game.  If you start to watch the ball better you will be surprised at how much more time you seem to have. This is somehting that you need to practice.  During your training time spend a lot of the time where you full concentration is on watching the ball.  Forget about trying to do anything else like changing your strokes or winning matches.  Just Watch the Ball...

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Thoughts on this question

Melody Unknown

Melody Unknown Posted 16 years ago

OMG I actually tried watching the ball today and it really really makes a big difference . Thank you so much Alois !!

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