Where to hit the ball with topspin?


Khalid Unknown
Khalid Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi alois and jeff :)

I got a another question and I hope it dont gets annoying because i really like this feature of "ask the coach". My question is: When I am playing the topspin it doesnt have really topspin but much more like a smash. My trainer said: U need to hit with ur bat above the ball so it rotates more. Is that so? Can u give me tips for how to play a good topspin against block. I watched the online lesson though. But can u give me tips?

Greets, And thanks for answering all my other questions :)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Khalid,

We love answering questions at PingSkills.

Your trainer is right.  To get more topspin you need to brush the ball on contact a little more.

Watch the flight of the ball after you hit it.  The topspin ball will dip a lot more and the flat ball will travel a little straighter before it stops.  Experiment and try to hit some so the ball goes straight and flat and others where the ball has a lot of dip.  This will teach you the difference of the two.  Both strokes are useful, but you need to be able to generate topspin as well as hitting the ball a little flatter and faster. 

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Thoughts on this question

Dion Yahoo

Dion Yahoo Posted 16 years ago

OK, that makes sense.  Thanks.

What do you think about mixing speed paddles with control rubbers or vise versa?    

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