Hi! When i play table tennis i often get the thought where i need to position myself and when. So i am wondering should i be moving constantly when i am not playing a stroke? Center at table hit stroke and then back to the center of the table again? Thx
Hi Ovind,
I think moving back into the middle between shots is good in theory but not in practice because the ball is moving too fast.
I like to think about it more like following the ball. By tracking the ball through the entire rally you will start to pick up a little earlier where the ball is going. You don't need to move if the ball is coming back to you. By tracking the ball well yo may start to feel that your opponent is suddenly hitting the ball slower to you.
So, follow the ball and it will tell you where and when you need to move.
Try this tracking drill in training and see how it feels.
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Ovind bjorgum Posted 12 years ago
Thanks for such a quick answer. Also should i hit the ball infront of myself in the middle or should i move to either left or right and do a forehand or backhand stroke? Thanks!
In general, you should try to do your stronger shot if the ball comes to the middle. Just follow the ball and the decision will often be made for you.