Which Foot Forward


jack neo
jack neo Asked 13 years ago

Hey coaches, which foot should i put in front of my other when playing forehand and backhand strokes?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Jack,

When playing close to the table you can be quite square on to the table.  If anything you can have your left foot slightly in front of the right for both forehand and backhand.

As you move further away from the table you can be more side on for both strokes.  Left foot forward for the forehand and right foot forward for the backhand.


Watch this video response to the question titled Which Foot Forward for Backhand and Forehands.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Which Footwork Drill?

In this master class we talk about which footwork drill you should select for your practice sessions.

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Thoughts on this question

jack neo

jack neo Posted 13 years ago

Thanks coach, i've developed my game with my right foor forward for most of my shots until now. I find it really uncomfortable to play shots with my left foor forward. How can i get rid of this habit as quick as possible as i have a tournermant coming soon. Will not changing this habit affect my game a lot?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Hi Jack this will effect your game.  If you have a tournament coming up don't try to change this now.  After the tournament, spend a lot of your training time working on changing this.  It will help you in the long term.

Ralf Herrmann

Ralf Herrmann Posted 8 years ago

No Video here...

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Thanks for letting us know about this one too Ralf. It's fixed as well.

yalcin yalcin

yalcin yalcin Posted 8 years ago

I love table tennis and pingskills. Hi Alois and Jeff how are you I'm Ali your friend  from Mersin/Tarsus Turkey    

  İ follow your invaluable advices thanks a lot for it, today I watched your footwork vdeo it is very important for the player to defend both sides  take care of yourselves   hope to hear you soon I love Australia too. 

kathy mckelvey

kathy mckelvey Posted 8 years ago

We are so lucky to have you as coaches. Thank you both!!

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