Which is better: Speed or Spin


Peter Garov
Peter Garov Asked 11 years ago

Dear Alois and Jeff,

I was curious about a question. Most table tennis players prefer putting as much speed as they can on their topspins. But in some cases that's not the right thing to do. What do you think: Should a player contentrate more on the amount of spin rather than speed? I'm a little bit confused because I have a lot more to learn about the topspin on both sides and I don't really know should I try putting more spin or speed...

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Peter,

I think it is good to have a bit of speed but spin is more important because it will give you more safety on your strokes and also allow you good variation that will make it harder for your opponent.

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Backhand Block

The backhand block is used to counter a topspin stroke. Once you can return your opponents attacking strokes, you will take your game to a new level.

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