White Marks on My Rubber


Charles Unknown
Charles Unknown Asked 16 years ago

After playing a few games with some friends, I've noticed white marks on my rubber. What's up with that?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Charlie,

This could be the dust from the ball. When the ball is new it will have some residue on the outside of the ball, like a white dust.  Just wash the ball if it is a problem.  You also need to make sure that you keep the rubber free form this dust as it will effect the performance of the rubber.The rubber will not grip the ball properly.  Just wipe the rubbe rwith a damp cloth.

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Thoughts on this question

Charles Unknown

Charles Unknown Posted 16 years ago

Some suggested that I dip the ball in white vinegar..... But does it work?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 16 years ago
I have never tried white vinegar. I just use water to get the residue off the ball. Maybe others will have tried vinegar and can comment.

Thomas McCann

Thomas McCann Posted 14 years ago

this happened me with the balls for my robot. Even though i cleaned them severral times it stilleaves white marks. Does this really affect my rubbers.

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