Why is DHS hurricane avoided by players


Sumit Saxena
Sumit Saxena Asked 11 years ago


First of all I want to thank both of you, Alois & Jeff.  I and my friend are following your video lessons for past 3 years now & they have really helped us in improving our game.

I have Stag Tripple carbon blade & Mark V on both FH & BH.

I wanted to switch to DHS Hurricane neo on FH, but few of my friends told me that it is not durable & its life is very short this is the reason most players dont use that rubber(esp indian players). Chinese players are sponsored so they can change the rubber after every 15-20 days.

Should I go for it or they are correct?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Sumit,

I am not sure about the durability of Hurricane. Others may be able to help. 

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Thoughts on this question

Gordon L

Gordon L Posted 11 years ago

Are they referring to the tackiness not lasting?  The tackiness can be prolonged by cleaning the rubber and covering with plastic film after each session.

Sumit Saxena

Sumit Saxena Posted 11 years ago

Hello Gordon

Thanx for your response.They say that the rubber wears out very quickly.

Can you please tell how much is the life of this rubber if kept with good care.

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