Why is left foot wrong


Marcin Lonak
Marcin Lonak Asked 9 years ago


why it is so important for the righthander forehand push/flick (as answer to a short ball) to put the right foot forward underneath the table?  if i do it the right foot step in, just the acrosstable hit feels for me Natural. If i want to change direction (play in to the backhand corner of the RH opponent) it feels stiff and kind of works for me only when i make a punch like movement (ok i could play it backhand). Instead if i go in with the Left foot, it feels as if i have much more range where to place the ball. why is left foot wrong?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Marcin,

The main reason is that with the right foot forward you can get closer to the ball and closer to the net with the really short ball.

If you can reach the ball and get the hitting spot right then having your left foot forward is OK.

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