Hey Alois this is not very related to table tennis per se, but is there some system u guys have in place for who should answer questions ? Both of u r immensely knowledgeable, so is there any particular reason why u do more of the answering ?
Just lightly curious, im sure fellow pingskillers have wondered the same at some point :)
Hi Azhar,
Jeff is extremely busy doing all of the background work that makes the website run and also the editing of all of the videos. This is just the way we find is most efficient to get through the many things we need to do.
Take a look at the is video and pick out the many rules that Alois may be breaking.
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azhar bhabha Posted 12 years ago
Ah.. i see... thanks :)
Haris Ansari Posted 12 years ago
because Jeff is an excellent person
DHS Lover Posted 12 years ago
What about the other person ? just the Brett Clarke and the other (I forget his name but it seems that they're important for PingSkills too right ?)
Brett helped us out initially. Simon did a few Ask the Coach answers for us too.
Jimmy Sanchez Posted 11 years ago
Tomahawk serve videos are exclusive for Jeff, and his tomahawk serve is unique.
raghav sharma Posted 10 years ago
naa this is not right man