Why was frictionless long pimple banned


Hin Cheang
Hin Cheang Asked 6 years ago

Was it because people can use those rubbers to reverse spins without any efforts and considered as unfair? If so then why are fictionless anti spin like der-material specialist transformer and diabolc are allow?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Hin,

I don't have the answer to this one.

I think the first part is correct, that it was too easy to reverse spin and the ball was coming off very weirdly.  The pimples adds another element that the anti-spin rubbers doesn't, and that is the bending of the pimples.

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Thoughts on this question

felix Oak

felix Oak Posted 6 years ago

Well, defensive play would continue even if all long pips were banned.

That said, the arguments are as follows:

Long pips make a player better without having to learn anything new.  They are simply an equipment advantage at the lower level where players already have trouble reading the spin and will get beaten just because of equipment.

Long pips are harder to use than 'inverted' rubber.   Despite the fact that long pips will obliterate low level players without any skill, they are useless at the high level because no high level player can just rely on his long pips.

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