Wide forehand


Shripathi ramakrishnan
Shripathi ramakrishnan Asked 12 years ago

hi alois and jeff,

how do you reach out to a wide long ball to  forhenand  and attack it? i have seen kong linghui step more to the side (bh) and in front of the edge(as in much closer to the net) and makes a kill. but how to do it when it is to forehand side as my arm seems to come in the way b/w the table and the ball.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Shripathi,

The first thing is to make the movement out wide before you play your stroke.  Use the side shuffle footwork that we show you in Footwork Basics.  Then move your arm forward to make the strong forehand stroke.  It is usually about getting into a balanced position first before trying to make the stroke.

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