Will a vacation hurt my table tennis?


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi there coach,

I wanted to ask if what would happen if I am not able to play table tennis for one week. You see coach we are planning to have  a 6-day vacation on December, and I am very worried if what would happen to my strokes if I am not able to play for one week. What are some things that I can do in order to maintain my strokes without playing? And what should I do to recover my strokes after vacation as fast as possible? thanks in advance sir :)

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

It's great to take a vacation and get away from table tennis completely for a short period of time. This will probably even have a positive impact on your game as you'll come back fresh and eager to play.

You won't forget any of the skills you have developed in a week.

Have a great vacation!

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Beating Defenders

Against defenders you've generally got a bit more time to make your attack and so you can be more selective on which ball to target. Think about finding your opponent's weaker side and whether they prefer a faster ball coming towards them or a slower ball. Try different spins, speed and placement! Watch the video now to learn more great tips on how to beat a defender.

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Thoughts on this question

Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 12 years ago

thanks coach :)

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