Will celluloid balls be banned


Pasquale Mule
Pasquale Mule Asked 9 years ago

Hi Alois, im in a training camp in canada for 2 weeks 4 times a day, we only use plastic balls, the coach says celluloid balls will not exist pretty soon, is this true?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Pasquale,

I think he may be right.  I would say that once they get the manufacturing right with the Plastic balls there won’t be any manufacturing of Celluloid balls happening.

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Thoughts on this question

Dieter Verhofstadt

Dieter Verhofstadt Posted 9 years ago

Celluloid is flammable, which doesn't pose a big problem for its usage - we rarely bring a lighter to the table - but for the transport and storage. Also, the decreasing usage of celluloid in general has made it become relatively more expensive for the rare environments where it has been maintained, such as table tennis. That's the main reason why the ITTF has been pushing, together with manufacturers, for the plastic ball, despite the (perceived) difference in curving or reaction.

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