Worn out Rubber


Cloud Cledera
Cloud Cledera Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I have a question regarding rubber evolution. Well, sort of my theory.

When you have a premade bat, and the rubbers used easily wear out, can we still use those rubbers, but in a form of anti-spin? I mean, anti-spin rubbers have exactly no type of grip or tackiness, so I guess, maybe we could use it as anti-spin right? Then, we can use it for defending in case we don't have long pips, right?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Cloud,

An interesting theory.  The dead rubber does act like an anti spin bat.  However we do not recommend that you use an anti spin bat when you are developing.  This is something specialised when you have developed your game later.

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Thoughts on this question

Cloud Cledera

Cloud Cledera Posted 12 years ago

Umm, I'm actually a chopper, and I'm also pretty good in defensive style, so its up to me. Thank you for your thoughts on my theory.

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