Wrist movement


Mantas Unknown
Mantas Unknown Asked 15 years ago


When do I need to start wrist movement with backhand topspin?  Do I need to brandish with wrist first before the contact, or I shouldn't do it, but use it at the contact's end, or how?

How about others strokes with spin?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Mantas,

Once you have developed control of the backhand you can start to focus on relaxing the wrist and letting it come through with your stroke.  The more wrist you use the more spin you will develop, however you may lose some control of the ball.

Think about having the wrist fairly straight before contact and then extending it on contact and follow through.

It is really relevant for the backhand topspin more than most other strokes.  You can use your wrist on the forehand  topspin as well but not as much.  The moveemnt isn't quite as natural.

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Thoughts on this question

Arnaud N

Arnaud N Posted 11 years ago

In the starting position of the backhand topspin, should the wrist be bent towards the inside in kind of a duck shape (wrist at a 90 degrees angle with the forearm) or should the wrist remain in a straight line with the forearm?

in other words:

1. forearm facing forwards and index finger pointing to the left (forearm at a 90 degrees angle with the stomach)


2. both the forearm and the index finger pointing to the left? (forearm parallel to the stomach)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Arnaud,

The more developed you get the stroke, the more wrist movement you can use.  At the start for beginners I always recommend not using the wrist too much because it will lead to inconsistencies.  However, as control of the stroke develops you can really relax your wrist and allow it to move backwards and forwards during your stroke.

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