Wrist - Pergelangan tangan


Shalibu Lacoga Shalibu Lacoga
Shalibu Lacoga Shalibu Lacoga Asked 6 years ago

Haii pingskill idola ku ..

Saat melakukan pukulan:serves,block,backhand,forrehand apakah pergelangan tangan bergerak/diam dan minta tips nya juga sikap siku .terima kasih

Hi pingskill my idol...

When doing a punch: serves, block, backhand, forehand whether wrist moves / silence and ask for his tips also attitude elbow.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hai Shalibu,

Pergelangan tangan berubah dengan setiap stroke.

Untuk blok dan banyak goresan dasar Anda dapat menjaga pergelangan tangan Anda tetap kuat.

Untuk keterampilan yang lebih maju seperti melayani Anda ingin menggunakan pergelangan tangan Anda lebih banyak untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak putaran. Ini juga berlaku untuk topspin forehand dan backhand yang lebih cepat.Hi Shalibu,

The wrist changes with each stroke.

For the block and many of the basic strokes you can keep your wrist firm.

For more advanced skills like serving you want to use your wrist more to generate more spin.  This also applies to faster forehand and backhand topspin.

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Thoughts on this question

Erriza Shalahuddin

Erriza Shalahuddin Posted 6 years ago

Yang jelas pergelangan tangan harus rileks. Kalau masih awal2 latihan forehand, memang biasanya yang dominan bergerak cuma bahu. Siku dan pergelangan tidak bergerak. Tapi kalau sudah berpengalaman, sendi yang lain mulai digerakkan semua. Mulai dari kaki, pinggang, bahu, siku, sampai pergelangan tangan. Kalau backhand sih dominan pergelangan

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Here is a Google Translate of the comment from Erriza:  

What is clear is that the wrist must relax. If it's still the beginning of forehand training, the dominant one is usually just moving the shoulder. Elbows and wrists do not move. But if you have experience, all the other joints start to move. Starting from the legs, waist, shoulders, elbows, to the wrist. Backhand is dominant in the wrist


D K Posted 6 years ago

Though,mthe wrist usage greatly affects the placement,correct?

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