Yasaka Pryde Rubber


Nouman Malik
Nouman Malik Asked 13 years ago

I use pryde rubber since 6 month. i have also a good game berfore doing this. is this rubber is best for playing any championship?


Jeff Plumb
Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi Nouman,

Yasaka Pryde is an excellent rubber. It is quite fast so I don't recommend it for beginners but as you can already play well I would say it is a good choice.

Have you found that you like playing with Yasaka Pryde? If you are comfortable using Pryde and can play very consistently then you could think about going to something even faster like Vega Pro or Tenergy.

Remember though that the most important thing is to focus on your technique

Thoughts on this question

Nouman Malik

Nouman Malik Posted 13 years ago


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