Table Tennis Receiving

Table Tennis Receiving

Further Learning

Learn more receiving skills to counter any serve with precision and confidence.

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Tutorial Lessons

1 Distance From The Table To Receive Beginner 1:15
2 Returning in Doubles for a Left Hander Beginner 1:16
3 Reading the Type of Spin Beginner 2:33
4 Attacking Plain Topspin Serves Beginner 1:59
5 Deciding Which Return to Play Intermediate 2:06
6 Returning the flat long serve Intermediate 2:05
7 Returning Short and Fast Long serves Intermediate 2:58
8 Push or Flick Intermediate 2:02
9 Receiving Middle Serves Intermediate 1:33
10 Returning a Short Pendulum Serve Intermediate 2:53
11 Returning Ma Lin's Serve Intermediate 2:17
12 Returning Short Balls Intermediate 2:07
13 Receiving Short Topspin Serves Advanced 1:33
14 Returning the Spin to the Server Advanced 2:06
15 Cues for Receiving Serve Advanced 1:06
16 Choosing forehand or backhand against sidespin serves Advanced 1:52
17 Returning with Long Pimples Advanced 6:56
18 Returning Half Long Backspin Serves Advanced 2:07
19 Returning Wide Angled Serves Advanced 1:39
20 Returning a Wide serve to FH Advanced 1:30