A strange (mental) issue while hitting forehand


Kristijan Jankoski
Kristijan Jankoski Asked 11 years ago

Hello pingskills,

I've been having this problem for quite a while and It's been bothering me for a really long time.
On the beginning of my TT session, I'm unable to hit medium height balls with my forehand. I just have a feeling in my head that I won't be able to return that ball (It's like I lose the feeling on the ball) and I end up either just pushing the ball back or chopping it because I'm afraid It will go out if I hit it normally. After playing for an hour It's good but I still miss quite a lot of balls. Do you have any suggestion how to overcome this issue? I literally tried everything!

Thanks for your time.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Kristijan,

This is a reasonably common thing.  It comes from a lack of trust on the shot which leads to added tension.  As soon as there is tension, you will find the shot breaking down. 

The thing you need to focus on is the start and finish positions of the forehand stroke.  Understand if you do these two things well, the ball has to go on the table.  Even if you tried to miss you couldn't.  So keep practicing the shot.  FOcus on the tension that is developing, especially in your shoulder and arm and realise that you are just responsible for getting the bat into the start and finish positions and the ball will take care of itself.

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Thoughts on this question

Kristijan Jankoski

Kristijan Jankoski Posted 11 years ago

Thanks for your advice Alois! I was able to get over this issue during my sparring session. However once I started playing a match with my father, same issue appears but this time It's even bigger, I just keep hitting the net with my forehand and I always try to use my backhand. Any advice?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

This is tension again.  Think about relaxing the stroke and allowing it to go from start to finish.  Because it isn't automatic as yet, it will take time to get it right in matches.  You have enough to think about in matches already.  Keep practicing this way during training and it will come in matches.

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