ABC & XYZ Playing Order


pouyer -
pouyer - Asked 12 years ago

Hi everybody

What is abc and xyz arrange? How does it work? Which one is better?

Please help me.

Thank you so much

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Pouyer,

I think you are referring to the competition format where you have 2 teams of 3 players. In this format, one team is the ABC team and the other is the XYZ team. Each player on a team gets assigned a letter and then there is an order which shows who plays against who. The order is as follows:










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Thoughts on this question

pouyer -

pouyer - Posted 12 years ago

Hi, yes 2teams of 3 players

thank you

but I confused!I need more details about it. (number of matches and...)


I read it somewhere

"A team shall consist of 3 players.

 The order of play shall be

1) A v X

2) B v Y

3) C v Z

4) A v Y

5) B v X "


Is it different?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Pouyer,

This is an alternate format that they sometimes use at International tournaments.  The longer format that Jeff described is not used in International tournaments much any more but it is very popular in local leagues.

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