Accessing past videos


Charles Liebov
Member Badge Charles Liebov Asked 1 year ago

Hi Alois:   I just received an email and a topic of videos was receiving service, I watched many of them, but the problem is that I may not have completed all the videos in every previous weeks videos. I don’t know for sure if I have the emails. Is there a way that I could access previous weeks videos without the email. If the answer is no, can you please send me the links For the previous weeks videos to be so I can be sure that I will see them all?

so if I’m like a video, his “favorite,” how will I access my favorite videos. Is there a way I can go through the Pingskills website and find all of my past lessons. Now I’m asking for a little technical support. Thanks Charles Liebov.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 1 year ago

Hello Charles, 

Thanks for the question about accessing past videos. There are a couple of ways of finding the videos you are looking for:

1) You can click on the "Tutorials" menu at the top of the page and then click on the area you are interested in. For example, looking at receiving you can go to Tutorials -> Serving and Receiving. By doing this you will see a series of tutorials that you can work your way through.

For the 52 week training program for premium members, you can go to the following link to see the plan broken down into 4 week blocks:

2) You can search for a topic using the "Ask the Coach" page. Go to the following page: and type in your search.

To access the videos you have marked as favourites, you can click on your name in the menu bar, and then click on "Favourites". 

To keep track of which videos you have watched, you can click on the tick icon next to each video and it should turn green. If you watch to the end of a video this should happen automatically for you.

We actually have a video to explain the best way to utilise these features. I would suggest going to the following blog post and watching the video:

Let me know if that helps you. If you still have questions then please let us know and we'll be happy to help out. Keep enjoying your table tennis.



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