Actual form does not match theoretical


Carlo Caloy
Carlo Caloy Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois,

I like to study and watch your videos over and over so that I know in my mind the correct/proper form and technique when doing strokes and footwork. It's been a year since I've been trying to put these theoretical knowledge in practice.

I've always assumed and thought that my forehand topspin stroke was almost "correct" and similar to what I watch in your videos. However, a friend of mine recently took a video of me doing forehand topspin drills and when I watched it, I found out that my technique was far from what I know in my mind! I'm a right hander and my shoulder on my non-playing arm (left) raises whenever I swing for a forehand stroke. I never knew that I unconsciously did this until I saw a video of myself playing. My legs are also quite stiff whenever I do the stroke. I was quite shocked that even though I can picture out the correct technique in my mind, I find that I don't do it in real practice. But whenever I try to practice the stroke in the mirror, I can do it correctly. Am I the only one that has experienced this, or is this a common problem for beginners? And what can I do to improve my Actual Form vs. Theoretical? Should I begin playing in front of a mirror? :)



Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Carlo,

You are certainly not alone here.

I think videoing yourself playing regularly will really help you to see what is actually happening.  The shadow swing in the mirror is OK, but it doesn’t have the internal pressure of the ball coming towards you and aiming to get the ball on the table.

Anyone else have this problem?

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Thoughts on this question

Xariuz Cruz

Xariuz Cruz Posted 10 years ago

Bird loop lol

Carlo Caloy

Carlo Caloy Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Alois!

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