Adidas Tenzone and Nittaku Fastarcs


Peter Nielsen
Peter Nielsen Asked 9 years ago

Hello and thanks for all of your efforts

I've now tried a substantial portion of the decent rubbers and want to stay away from the butterfly money trap. The new Adidas Tenzones sound like they're worth a try, fantastic reviews. Have you any experience and thoughts with Tenzone? 

I know little of the Nittaku Fastarcs, but given the quality of their balls, would their rubbers not also be top notch?

For me, the faster the better. Cheers peter

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Peter,

I don’t have much experience at all with these rubbers.  Others may have had some and be able to help you out.

I have heard the Fastarc is quite good but haven’t tried it.

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Thoughts on this question

Maurice D

Maurice D Posted 9 years ago

Hi Peter,

I was searching for any reviews on the Fastarc S-1 and came across your question. I have have had Fastarc S-1 rubbers (2.0 mm) on BH and FH for the last three months. My blade is a Nittaku Flame Carbon.

The Fastarcs S-1 are great for looping (close and mid-distance), smashing, chopping, and blocking. I'm very happy with them.


My previous rubbers were Yasaka Pryde 40 (2.0 mm) on a Stiga Allround Carbon blade. The sponge is a bit softer than the Pryde 40 and I feel like I can generate more spin with the Fastarc.

It's hard to compare the speed between both brands of rubbers because the blades are different but, for what it's worth, I feel like I can hit harder with the Stiga combo than the Nittaku. This despite the Nittaku blade and rubbers having a higher speed rating. Or it may just be the sound! The Nittaku combo is more silent than the Stiga setup.

I play between 6-8 hours a week and the Fastarcs have held up very well, in terms of visible wear and spin. 

What did you decide to purchase? 


Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 9 years ago

FYI, Adidas has announced that they're retiring from table tennis at the end of the year : (bottom part is in English)

So if you're looking for a long lasting relationship with your rubber, maybe consider another brand.

Peter Nielsen

Peter Nielsen Posted 9 years ago

Hi Maurice

 Thank you very much for your thoughts on the Pryde 40 and S-1, very helpful. I purchased what I knew in the end. I've got Tenergy 64FX on the forehand and Adidas P-3 on the backhand. I'm quite happy with both but will have to replace the P-3 with something else in the future as Adidas as you probably know aren't in the business any more. I did also buy an Avenger 7 blade as a bit of a novelty. 

 I'm not sure if you've heard but Nittaku has now come out with Fastarc P-1 which sounds very interesting also. On your advice, I'll try some used Fastarc off of Ebay first and more than likely discover your opinion was accurate. 

 Thanks again Maurice,-peter

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