Adjusting to soft rubbers faster


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi there coach, its me again. I just wanted to ask something about rubber adjustment. So I recently switched my rubber from DHS Tin Arc 3 to Donic Acuda s2 on my forehand and from Friendship supersoft to Donic Desto f2 on my backhand. Yesterday I played with the rubber. At first, It felt all different. I find the Donic acuda bouncier than the DHS Tin arc 3. It took about 30 mins to make me start figure the rubber out. But I can feel that it's still not "complete". So I wanted to ask if there is anyway how I can adjust to the rubber faster and more accurate? What are the do's and don'ts I need to be aware of during the adjustment period?

The reason why I wanted to get adapted to the rubber as soon as possible is because our try outs for the school varsity team is near. And I wanted to maintain my rank the same as last year.. Please help coach. :)

thanks in advance..

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

The best answer is to just hit as many balls as possible before the tryouts.  That is the best way to adjust to a new rubber.

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Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 12 years ago



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