Advantages of a Left Handed Player


Carlo Unknown
Carlo Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois,

As a lefty, what do you think are the advantages of left handed people other than there are only a few left handed people that play Table Tennis.

I've also noticed when a left hander serve a sidespin serve, it's actually the reverse version of a right hander (correct me if I'm wrong) That's another advantage I think. Then why does Timo Boll use a reverse sidespin serve if it will appear as a right handed's sidespin serve?

I've also drawn to a conclusion, "Why is the world so right?"

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Carlo,

I don't know why the world is so 'right', but like defenders there should be more of us lefties!!

I think the bg advantage of lefties is that players are not used to them.  Apart from that there is no real advantage.

Timo Bolls reverse serve is different from a right handers normal sidespin because it is coming from a different angle and it has a different action.  When we return serve we get used to the action to help us to recognise what spin is on the ball.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Left Handed Serve

We look at the difficulties faced by a left handed receiver facing a right handers serve and also a right handed receiver facing a left handers serve. What rules protect the receiver?

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Thoughts on this question

Carlo Unknown

Carlo Unknown Posted 15 years ago

When pushing, a leftie always uses his left leg right? I'm just curios because I'm using my left leg to step in and step out.

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago

As a left hander, you would generally use your left foot to step in and reach the short balls. This is the same for short pushing and for flicking. You may sometimes want to use your right foot (being a left hander) if the ball is short and wide to your backhand. This is because if you use your left foot and the ball is wide, you would be crossing your feet over which could be a bit tricky.

The most important thing here is to feel comfortable with your footwork. If you take a look at our lesson on the backhand flick, we talk about which feet to use.

Jackson Warren Unknown

Jackson Warren Unknown Posted 15 years ago

i'm a left hander (YER) and i fund it better for me because i'm the leftie in my school strange isnt it and when i play right handers the think that my forehand side is my backhand and always hit it to my attacking forehand and i win most of my games

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 15 years ago

Yeah, I hate playing against lefties.

One of the shots I tend to do under pressure is a highish loop with a bit of sidespin to the backhand side.  At the level of competition I play in, players tend to not have the footwork to run around it, and they generally can't smash it either with their backhand.

Of course, against lefthanded players, I suddenly realise I've just done a high loop to their forehand side instead!  And then SMASH!


Jason Ferdinand

Jason Ferdinand Posted 8 years ago

 You also can try the He Zhiwen's serve. It's quite difficult to return. You can learn it from the PingSkills's He Zhiwen's Serve video tutorial.

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