How to return the Windshield Wiper Serve?


Toby Clarke
Toby Clarke Asked 8 years ago

Hi, Alois/Jeff I have started to learn how to do this serve and I was wondering what is the technique to return this serve?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Toby,

The serve has a lot of sidespin on it.  It can also have some backspin or topspin.  This is what you have to learn with more time returning the serve.  To allow for the sidespin angle your bat to your left.  Then to adjust to the backspin angle it up or down for the topspin.

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Reading Spin

Once you understand the effects of spin, you need to learn how to read the type and amount of spin your opponent puts on the ball when serving.

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Thoughts on this question

Jason Ferdinand

Jason Ferdinand Posted 8 years ago

Is there any same way to return a topspin and a backspin serve?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

The principles are the same.  Take a look at our section on Receiving Secrets that will help you.

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