Aiming short,halflong and long balls


Peter Habich
Peter Habich Asked 12 years ago

Hey Alois,

I have difficulties with aiming the ball that is short, halflong or long in different corners.  Do I have to change my body position if I want for example to play a halflong ball cross, in the middle or longline and does this technique apply to the short strokes and long strokes as well, especially when serving? 

thanks and regards, 


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Peter,

When receiving a ball the right foot for a right hander is determined by the length of the ball that you are receiving.  For a short ball you need to have your right foot close to the table.  For a medium ball it can be quite square to the table and for a long ball it can be further away from the table.

To change where you are hitting to only take a change in timing or a slight change in wrist position.  To hit the ball cross hit it a little earlier or down the line a little later.  You can also change direction with the use of your wrist.  By bending your wrist slightly back the ball will go down the line.

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