Alternative of hurricane 3

Table Tennis Equipment

Last updated 1 year ago

Jasper Low

Jasper Low Asked 1 year ago

Hi alois, I noticed a few reviews of the XIOM Vega China VM and they mentioned that this rubber can generate as much spin as the hurricane and it's a faster rubber too. Do you think I should give this a try? I've been using hurricane for very long and it has worked wonders for me. 

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario Answered 1 year ago

Hi Jasper,

I don't know these rubbers well enough to recommend.

Others may have tried them and have an opinion.

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Thoughts on this question

Ardak .

Ardak . Posted 1 year ago

Hi, Jasper, I would recommend hybrid rubbers. Tibhar Hybrid K3 or Donic Bluegrip C2. I was also playing with hurricane 3 rubbers for very long. Then I tried Nittaku Fastarc G-1. Fastarc G-1 is not hybrid but it has less catapult and creates huge spin. But it is very heavy rubber. Recently I tried Donic Bluegrip C2. It has the topsheet of chineese rubbers and sponge is tensor. It is hard enough, 50 degrees. It is maybe faster than some tensor rubbers but it is faster alternative to hurricane 3. 

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