Am I too old to seriously take up TT


Vidhur Sabareesh
Vidhur Sabareesh Asked 6 years ago

Hello sir,

I'm 14 years old and I aspire to play TT professionally. I started playing TT only at the age of 12 and now I'm playing state level ranking tournaments. Do you think that I still have a chance of becoming a pro player? 

I'm asking this because many players are telling me that I've started very late.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Vidhur,

You definitely aren't too old to reach a professional level.  Most of those players that are saying you are too old won't be playing in a few years.

Focus on improving as much as you can.  Keep aiming for your goals.

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Correcting Errors

If you are having a problem correcting an error in your technique, then try this great tip. Think about learning a new stroke rather than correcting an old bad habit. The change in thinking will allow you to learn the new stroke without worrying about your old bad habits.

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Thoughts on this question

Abhinav Basu

Abhinav Basu Posted 6 years ago

Hey Vidhur, 

From which city and state are you? 

Vidhur Sabareesh

Vidhur Sabareesh Posted 6 years ago


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